Our curriculum is designed to allow students to strive for excellence through the provision of learning opportunities which enable them to…
Achieving Success
- Encouraging high aspiration and a love of learning
- Maximising progress and potential
- Providing rewarding learning experiences
- Offering diverse opportunities
- Recognising and celebrating all achievement
Valuing Others
- Contributing to a safe school environment
- Showing tolerance, respect and fairness
- Listening to and respecting others’ views
- Appreciating and embracing diversity
- Being an active member of our school and local community
Delivering Curriculum Intent:
Providing a broad and balanced curriculum at Key Stage 3 in which agreed knowledge and skills developed in partner primary schools are built upon from the start of Year 7 onwards. Students will study the full suite of National Curriculum subjects for 3 years, developing a foundation for successful progression to Key Stage 4.
Providing a Key Stage 4 curriculum which continues to have the EBacc at its heart, to provide a wide variety of subjects enabling students to pursue their own interests and equip them with the knowledge and skills for future education and work.
Providing a Sixth Form curriculum which offers a rich choice of academic and vocational courses tailored to individual students’ needs and aspirations, thereby preparing them to successfully move on to education, training or employment.
Providing a coherently planned enrichment curriculum which broadens students’ experiences, allowing them to further develop their talents and interests both within and beyond subject areas, and to contribute positively within the local community.
Schemes of Learning
Our Schemes of Learning have been designed to ensure students develop the qualities and achieve the skills set out in our Curriculum Intent Documents. Each Scheme of Learning allows students to move onto more complex skills as they progress further up the school.