Governance and Staffing

Academic excellence in a dynamic community

We are proud to have a dedicated and knowledgeable board of Governors. The Governors are responsible for setting the school strategic direction and for holding the Headteacher and senior staff to account for all aspects of the school’s performance. Our Governors oversee the progress made against our School Development Plan, agree the school’s budget and the setting of the school’s policies. Our Governors are volunteers who are appointed or elected for a 4 year term of office and are committed to the success of all students at our school.

If you wish to contact any Governor, please send your message via email to the Clerk of the Governing Body,

‘Helsby High staff are hardworking and loyal – responding well to opportunities for reflection and sharing good practice to maintain teaching of good quality, resulting in good progress and excellent results for students.’


Ian Devereux-Roberts – Chair of Governors


Your future awaits

Our vision is to be a learning environment in which all students and staff strive for excellence in all that they do.
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