The information provided on these pages is designed to provide students, parents and carers with strategies to support study at home. We feel it is crucial that we work collaboratively with our students and their families to ensure students are receiving consistency both inside and outside of school. This will help our students to reach their full potential during their time with us and during important assessment periods. We hope this information will prove useful to our students and their families.
Curriculum Support Information
Inspiring young minds

Information Evening – October 2024
The purpose of this Information Evening was to introduce you to some key members of staff who will work with Year 7 throughout their time with us as Helsby High School Students.
The evening was split into two sessions, the first being Quality of Education, where the Year 7 curriculum, the importance of reading, target setting, and assessment and reporting was discussed, and parents/carers were guided through a typical lesson structure, and the process by which students receive feedback.
The other session covered key information about Wider Personal Development and Support. This session covered the role of a Form Tutor, Pastoral care and support for students, supporting positive student behaviour, current reward and sanction schemes, and extracurricular and enrichment opportunities.
Link to Session 1 Presentation
Link to Session 2 Presentation
Assessment Fortnight
The upcoming Year 7 Assessment Fortnight is taking place from Monday 18th November to Friday 29th November.
Link to Assessment Timetable
Link to Assessment Preparation Booklet
Information Evening – October 2024
The evening gave parents and carers insight into understanding target grades, student assessments and the purpose of academic progress reports, and gave parents/carers the opportunity to hear about the support and guidance available for their child in the run up to their assessment fortnight. Parents and carers were provided with strategies to support their children at home and were given key dates surrounding assessment weeks and progress reports. We feel it is crucial that we work collaboratively with our students and their families to ensure students are receiving consistency both inside and outside of school. This will help our students to reach their full potential during their time with us.
Assessment Fortnight
The upcoming Year 8 Assessment Fortnight is taking place from Monday 18th November to Friday 29th November.
Information Evening – December 2024
The evening gave parents and carers insight into understanding target grades, student assessments and the purpose of academic progress reports, and gave parents/carers the opportunity to hear about the support and guidance available for their child in the run up to their assessment fortnight. Parents and carers were provided with strategies to support their children at home and were given key dates surrounding assessment weeks and progress reports. We feel it is crucial that we work collaboratively with our students and their families to ensure students are receiving consistency both inside and outside of school. This will help our students to reach their full potential during their time with us.
Assessment Fortnight
The upcoming Year 9 Assessment Fortnight is taking place from Monday 13th January to Friday 24th January.
Information Evening – November 2024
The evening gave parents and carers insight into understanding target grades, student assessments and the purpose of academic progress reports, as well as the opportunity to hear about the support and guidance available for their child during the course of their KS4 studies. We feel it is crucial that we work collaboratively with our students and their families to ensure students are receiving consistency both inside and outside of school. This will help our students to reach their full potential during their time with us.
Assessment Fortnight
The upcoming Year 10 Assessment Fortnight is taking place from Monday 13th January to Friday 24th January.
Link to Assessment Timetable
Link to Supporting Booklet
KS4 Course Overview
The KS4 Course overview document aims to support students, parents and carers with information about their chosen KS4 courses. This document outlines useful information such as the course exam board, specification, assessment structure, and recommended revision materials.
Link to KS4 Course Overview and Support Document
Information Evening – October 2024
The purpose of this Information Evening is two-fold. Firstly, we would like to introduce you to some key members of staff that will be working with and supporting our Year 11 students during the next academic year and beyond. We hope to provide you with the necessary information to support and guide both students and parents/carers as they prepare for their GCSE examinations in summer 2025 and the next stage of their education journey.
The second purpose of this event is a parental workshop led by an external company called ‘Exams MADE easy’. On this date, students will take part in a two-hour workshop during the school day to develop their revision techniques and independent learning skills. The parental workshop that follows in the evening will provide an opportunity for this information to be shared with parents/carers so that you are equipped to support your son/daughter with their revision and exam preparations at home.
Year 11 Information Evening PowerPoint
PPE2 Assessments
The PPE’s are an important milestone on the journey to successfully completing GCSE and Level 2 Vocational qualifications. These assessments will take place from Monday 27th January 2025 until Friday 14th February 2025.
Information Evening – December 2024
This first term our focus has been on supporting students in their transition into KS5, developing study skills, and developing positive relationships between students and teachers, and building students’ confidence in their learning. This was an important stage as it sets the foundations for learning upon which we will build.
Moving forwards, it is important that we ensure our teaching and learning is tailored to meet the needs of all our students, so that their academic progress is sustained and students reach their full potential. Early in the spring term, we will conduct our first assessment week for students in Year 12 that will commence on Monday 13th January. The purpose of this is to enable us to assess students’ attainment and progress across the curriculum, but also to inform us of any gaps in knowledge or understanding that can help us adapt our teaching and learning and student support moving forwards.
Assessment Week
Our first assessment week for students in Year 12 will commence on Monday 13th January.
Link to Assessment Timetable
Link to Assessment Preparation Booklet
Information Evening – September 2024
The purpose of this Information Evening was to introduce you to some key members of staff that will be working with and supporting Year 13 students during the next academic year. We hope we were able to provide you with the necessary information to support and guide both students and parents/carers as they prepare for their Advanced Level and Level 3 Vocational examinations in summer 2025, and prepare for the next stage of their education, training or employment journey.
We also provided you with some key dates for the academic year with regards to other assessments, reports, Parent/Carer Consultation Evenings, UCAS and other information to support their transition on to higher education, apprenticeships, training or employment.
Information Evening PowerPoint
PPE2 Assessments
Our upcoming Year 13 Pre-Public Examinations will take place from Monday 3rd February 2025 until Friday 14th February 2025. During this PPE fortnight, students will complete formal assessments in each of their subjects. This will enable us to assess their attainment and progress in their qualifications, and identify each student’s strengths and any gaps in their knowledge so that targeted support can be put in place.
Leaders have developed an effective personal, social and health education curriculum. All pupils, including students in the sixth form, learn how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy.
July 2023