Careers and Futures

Making the links between education and future careers

Helsby High School is fully committed to ensuring that all of our students acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to manage their learning and CEIAG progression. Through a range of effective careers guidance activities, we aim to support our students to achieve positive, appropriate destination choices and have the qualifications and employability skills to meet their needs.

Job of the Week

MYPATH will share a featured ‘Job of the Week’ to share with our students. The featured ‘jobs’ will be diverse and appeal to a range of interests and suit a range of abilities. See the link below to view our ‘Job of the Week’.

Our Careers Strategy

Our award winning Careers Strategy has been carefully designed to ensure students get the guidance and information they need at key times in their learning. See our useful infographic on the link here or use our timeline below.

Careers Information for:

Current Opportunities in Our Area

Find out about paid and voluntary work for young people in our area.

Meet the Careers Team

Meet the team that will help your child build their future pathways.

Employability Skills

At Helsby High School we want to do everything we can to support our students learning and personal growth. It is for this reason that we have launched LORIC with all our students. LORIC is designed to help students to develop the skills desired by employers and that are necessary for future success.

Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 guidelines that define the best careers provision in secondary schools.

Our Careers Strategy Timeline

Our award winning Careers Strategy has been carefully designed to ensure students get the guidance and information they need at key times in their learning.

Start secondary school

LORIC Apprentice Level
Complete in year 7

LORIC Pioneer Level
Complete in year 8

Choose GCSEs

LORIC Graduate Level
Complete by year 10

Choose post-16 options

LORIC Masters Award complete by year 13

Your Future

Use your LORIC records to show prospective educators or employers the skills you have developed beyond your academic studies.

You are now ready to start the next stage of your education or career.

Your future awaits

Our vision is to be a learning environment in which all students and staff strive for excellence in all that they do.
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