Year 13 Results Day Support and Information

Dear Parent/Carer of Year 13 Student,

The summer examination season has now concluded and I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your support throughout this time. We have been so impressed by the level of maturity, determination and consideration for others that the students demonstrated throughout the entire exam period. They should be very proud of the resilience and character they have shown, attributes that will serve them well in the future.

With that in mind, I wanted to get in touch to provide an overview of arrangements for the summer’s Results Day on Thursday 15th August. We would like to invite students and their parents/carers into school on this day from 8:00am to collect their results and join us in celebrating their achievements. We ask that students and parents/carers park in the bus park and then enter the school via the Main Reception entrance. Students can collect their results and have some light refreshments in the Main Hall whilst sharing and celebrating their achievements with family, friends and teachers.

Please note that if a student is unable to come to school to collect their results then a parent or carer can collect them on their behalf. The student would need to complete the attached ‘Third Party Collection Form’ to provide consent and the parent/carer would need to bring this, as well as photographic identification, with them to collect the relevant results. Alternatively, a student could e-mail to request the results are e-mailed to them on 15th August via their school e-mail account.

Please rest assured that on results day staff will be available to offer support and guidance for students regarding their University choices, navigating UCAS and clearing, alternative destinations and careers. Please be aware that there is no need to have finalised University choices on that day there is plenty of time to do this.

For students who have not yet applied to University but who now wish to do so there is the university “clearing system”. There is comprehensive information on how this system works, and staff will also be on hand to assist on results day:

One aspect of results that is often contemplated on Results Day is whether or not to submit an ‘appeal’. If a student feels that there may have been an error in the generation of their grade, either with the marking or with the administration, they may submit an appeal. Details of the range and costs of post-results services available are contained in the separate document ‘HHS Guide to Post Results Services’. This document can be found with other results information and Post Results Services Application Forms on the exams page of the school website. If a student wishes their appeal to be made as a priority appeal, for example if the outcome could influence the students’ ability to access the next stage of their learning, the application must be made to the exams team on results day. All other enquiries about results applications will be dealt with once the school reopens to pupils on Monday 2nd September. Please remember that applications for these services are time sensitive and they will not be accepted by the exam board after the published deadline. Please refer to the documentation on the school website or notice board outside the Exams Office for deadline information.

We hope the above overview is helpful in terms of enabling you to plan for Thursday 15th August. Please do not hesitate to get in touch at any stage before then via if you have any queries. We are very much looking forward to seeing our Year 13 students again in August but in the meantime hope they all have a very enjoyable and relaxing summer with their families and friends.

Yours sincerely
Mrs Victoria Cross
Director of Sixth Form Assistant Headteacher

Download our Third Party Collection Form
Download our Parents Guide to Year 13 Results Day