Year 11 Information Evening Supporting Materials

Year 11 Information Evening Supporting Materials

We were very pleased to see so many of our parents/carers and students at the recent Year 11 Information Evening. The evening was an important chance for our parents/carers to meet some key members of staff that will be working with and supporting Year 11 students during the next academic year. We hope we were able to provide you with the necessary information to support and guide both students and parents/carers as they prepare for their GCSE and other Level 2 examinations.

We are very mindful that the influence of the Covid-19 pandemic will still be felt and therefore feel it is important to continue developing their examination technique and confidence so that they are fully prepared for their examinations in the summer. We hope that the MADE session provided was helpful as part of this preparation.

To support students with their preparations for these PPEs we have also provided students and parents/carers with a timetable for when each assessment will take place, as well as a supporting leaflet outlining what subject specific content will be assessed, including where students can access resources for their revision.

Please find below these supporting documents and a copy of the accompanying PowerPoint.

Year 11 Assessment Information Booklet PPE 1

Year 11 Parental Information Evening September 2022

Year 11 PPE 1 Timetable