Welcome Message

Your future starts here

Our vision is to be a learning environment in which all our students strive for excellence in all that they do, achieving success and valuing others to enable you to make positive contributions to society, and become confident global citizens.

This student area of our website will give you all the information you need to understand how our school works and how we will support and nurture you through your 7 years with us.

You will be able to view the Curriculum Intent documents for each of the subjects you study. These outline what each Departmental Leader wants you achieve and experience through the study of their subject. You will also be able to see the Schemes of Learning that you be studying in each of these subject areas, these documents will help you to understand how your learning is divided over the year. You will also be able to find the key information you need about our school expectations and about how we will support you both academically and pastorally as you move up the school.

Our PiXL Edge – LORIC programme is an important way to record your academic and enrichment activities, this student section will explain more about LORIC and also show you the enrichment opportunities that you can take part in and then record on your LORIC profile. This helps to show others, including employers, the rounded and capable person that you are becoming. You can also find out more about our Student Leader opportunities as this can help develop and hone a different set of skills that will be useful to you in your future.

This student section of our website will also support you when you have key exams and assessments during the year. It will ensure you know what to expect and tell you how the information from your exams will be used to support your progress.

We hope you find this student section of our website helpful and informative.

The best thing about coming to Helsby High was meeting my form and making new friends. At Helsby High I feel older and more mature.

Dan, Year 8

Your future awaits

Our vision is to be a learning environment in which all students and staff strive for excellence in all that they do.
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