Student Support

We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all our students

All students have a Form Teacher, this is the adult that our students see every day. They are the first ‘port of call’ for any student that needs either progress or pastoral support. Students also have a Progress and Pastoral Leader and a Student Support Coordinator assigned to their year group. These three adults support the students in their year group with day to day worries and concerns as they arise. Their role is to talk to, coach and guide the young people in their care. They will also help celebrate their successes, however big or small.

Our Progress and Pastoral Leaders for KS3/4 are:

Mr M Lawless
Miss N Kavangh
Mr D Tolley
Miss S Corlett
Miss K Smith

Our student support coordinators are:

Mrs C Dalrymple
Miss R Gobin
Mr H Parkes
Miss N Terry
Miss C Whomes
Mrs L Nixon

Our students with additional needs are also supported by our SEND team. The leader of this team is Mrs G Walker – SENDco.

Our Sixth Form safeguarding leads are:

Mrs V Cross – Director of Sixth Form
Mrs J Robinson – Deputy Director of Sixth Form

We also have a designated Safeguarding Lead who oversees the safety and well-being of all our students. Our School Safeguarding Lead is Mrs S Warburton – Senior Deputy Headteacher.

If you have a safeguarding concern you can leave the details of your concern as a report on our ‘SHARP Make a Report’ system. The green logo with the link to ‘SHARP Make a Report’ system is at the very bottom of every page on our website.

Student Support Information

Mental Health Services

A society which speaks openly about suicide and has the resources to help young people who may have suicidal thoughts. Papyrus exists to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives by shattering the stigma around suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to suicidal behaviour.

Helpline: 0800 068 41 41
Text: 0778 620 9697

‘Cheshire and Wirral Child & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)’
Support and resources available via advice line (no referral needed):
Helpline: 01244 397644
Time: 5pm till 10pm Monday to Friday. 12pm till 8pm at weekends.

‘Young Minds’
3 children in every classroom have a mental health problem. Young Minds are leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges.

Helpline: 0800 1111
Text: ‘YM’ to 85258

Phoenix is a series of youth groups for young people aged 13-19 years in the Cheshire West area who identify as LGBT+ (lesbian, gay bisexual, trans, plus other identities) or are questioning their sexuality or gender identity. These groups are a safe space, offering you a wide range of fun activities and opportunities, plus the chance to meet lots more LGBT+ young people.

Location: Phoenix (Cheshire West), Northgate Locks Resource Centre, Canal Street, Chester, CH1 4EJ
Age range: 13 – 19 years
Time: Second and fourth Thursday of the month, 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Provider: The Proud Trust (funded by Cheshire West and Chester Council)
Contact details: Youth Worker Kate Glover-Jones
Cost: Free

Ellesmere Port and Neston
Location: Phoenix (Cheshire West), Whitby Hall, Stanney Lane, Ellesmere Port CH65 9AE
Age range: 13 – 19 years
Time: First and third Thursday of the month, 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Provider: The Proud Trust (funded by Cheshire West and Chester Council)
Contact details: Youth Worker Kate Glover-Jones
Cost: Free

Location: Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Laine, Frodsham, Cheshire WA6 7QN
Age range: 13 – 19 years
Contact details: Zane Robinson (Lead Worker) by telephone on 01928 731440
Time: Twice a month
Cost: Free

The school nurse and the school counsellor come into school regularly and provide a confidential service. This means that you can discuss personal information in confidence. They will not discuss your personal information with anyone else without your permission. This includes parents and teachers. They would only pass on your information in order to protect you or someone else from serious harm. Wherever possible they would discuss this with you first. Your Progress and Pastoral leader can book an appointment for you to see one of these adults. The types of things you may want an appointment to discuss could be:

Health and Well-Being
Healthy Eating
Physical Health
Peer Pressure
Stopping Smoking
Mental Wellbeing
Anger Management/Stress
Media Safety
Sexual Health
Signposting to Specialist Services
Family Relationships

At Helsby High School we take any reporting of alleged bullying very seriously. As a school community we do not tolerate any form of bullying and we strive to make our school a ‘bully-free’ zone. Each and every member of the school community has a part to play in this by either reporting or helping to resolve any alleged bullying. All students are expected to treat fellow students with respect and consideration by following the school’s Code of Conduct and Anti-Bullying guidance. We are aiming to ensure that, if a student is experiencing bullying or has witnessed bullying, they are able to voice their concerns without fear or prejudice.

Helsby High School uses The Sharp System, an online confidential and anonymous reporting system. Sharp stands for: School Help Advice Reporting Page system. (Add a link to sharp system) We are working alongside Cheshire Police and our local PCSO’s with this system not only in school, but also in the local community. Students can report any issue that is causing them a problem in or out of school and the local community can use the system to report any worrying incidents that may have taken place out of school involving students from Helsby High School. Any report that is made is checked by the school and will be dealt with by either the Student Support Coordinators or Progress and Pastoral Leaders in school and the PCSO’s outside of school.
Helsby High School is confident that this system, along with other more traditional methods of reporting will be of extra benefit to our students and the local community.

What is bullying?
(This information has come from the NSPCC website)
Bullying is hurtful behaviour, usually repeated over a long period of time. It can happen in and outside of school, such as on the way to school or in clubs and groups.

Types of bullying include:
• Verbal abuse, such as name calling and gossiping.
• Non-verbal abuse, such as hand signs or text messages.
• Emotional abuse, such as threatening or intimidating someone.
• Exclusion, such as ignoring or isolating someone.
• Undermining, by constantly criticising or spreading rumours.
• Racial bullying.
• Sexual bullying.
• Physical assaults, such as hitting and pushing.
• Online bullying, through social networking, or using mobile phones, also known as cyber bullying.

What can you do if you think you are being bullied?

Speak to:
• A trusted teacher or member of staff
• Your Form Tutor
• Your Student Support Coordinator
• Your Progress and Pastoral Leader
• Or logon and use The Sharp System to confidentially report your worries.

What will happen once you speak to someone in school?

You will be listened to. The school will work together to stop this happening again.

For further sources of advice:

Click on the Sharp System logo on the school intranet or website

Our two PCSOs offer a Student Drop-In session at Helsby High School every week.
Please ask your Form Teacher if you wish to meet our PCSOs and discuss any worries you have in school or in your community.

FRANK – Friendly, Confidential Online Drugs Advice

FRANK is a national drug education service jointly established by the Department of Health and Home Office. It is intended to reduce the use of both legal and illegal drugs by educating teenagers about the potential effects of drugs. FRANK provides the following services for people who seek information and/or advice about drugs:
• A website
• A confidential telephone number, available 24 hours a day
• Email
• A confidential live chat service, available from 2pm-6pm daily
• A service to locate counselling and treatment

Tel: 0300 123 6600
Text: 82111

Addaction –
Youngaddaction Halton is commissioned by Halton Borough Council to provide services to young people aged 10-19 and up to 25 with additional needs. Youngaddaction Halton delivers an innovative and unique service, one being a specialist substance misuse service where support is given to young people in relation to their alcohol and substance misuse.

Grangeway Community and Youth Centre, Grangeway, Runcorn, Cheshire
Tel: 01928 240406

Title for drop down 7: Sexual Health Services
Copy: ‘Brook’
50 years of supporting, educating and empowering young people to make their own choices about their sexual health and wellbeing.

Helpline: 0300 123 7123
Online Chat:

Cheshire – Go Sexual Health
Provides sexual health and contraception services in the Cheshire East and Cheshire West and Chester local authority areas. All our services, tests, advice and treatment are entirely free and confidential.

Helpline: 0300 323 1300
Location: Fountains Health Centre Sexual Health Clinic, Delamere Street, Chester, CH1 4DS
Location: Stanney Lane Clinic, Stanney Lane, Ellesmere Port, CH65 9AE

Sexwise Family Planning Association
Sexual health information and advice on contraception, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy choices, abortion and planning a pregnancy.

Helpline: 0300 123 7123

Helpline: 0800 1111

‘Just Drop In’
A young carer is defined as a young person between 6-18 years old who cares for either an adult (usually a parent) or a sibling.

Helpline: 0151 356 3176
Location: Cheshire Young Carers, Northern Lights Business Park, Rossfield Road, CH65 3AW

Kooth is an online counselling and emotional well-being platform for children and young people, accessible through mobile, tablet and desktop and free at the point of use. It gives children and young people easy access to an online community of peers and a team of experienced counsellors.

Online Chat: (need to register)

Pupils appreciate the support that they receive from their teachers.

July 2023

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Our vision is to be a learning environment in which all students and staff strive for excellence in all that they do.
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