Where Next?

80% of our students go onto University or Higher Apprenticeships

We are proud of the wide range of destinations taken up by a Year 13 students, either studying at university, taking up quality apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships or to the world of work. The destinations of our students in 2023 can be seen below.

Our students attend higher education courses across the UK and beyond, from St Andrews to Alabama, Germany and the Netherlands our students have developed the confidence to spread their wings and go to pastures new. We have alumni at Oxford too.
 In addition to those going to university our students also choose to complete Higher Level Degree Apprenticeships which can be based all over the UK.

We wish all our students the very best and ask our students to keep in touch via their LinkedIn profile so we can celebrate their adventures too!


Students at Sixth Form Helsby are given the opportunity to experience what it might be like to study at university or further education. We run day trips to local institutions and invite universities into our Sixth Form to speak with our students. This gives our students the opportunity to ask important questions, helping them to solidify their future plans.

Many of our students secure apprenticeship placements after Sixth Form Helsby. The apprenticeship application process is challenging and our Sixth Form team and Careers Leaders are experts in supporting students with this process.

Some of our students choose to go into work after Sixth Form Helsby. Our award winning careers programme ensures students are prepared for this step and are supported with this transition. Our LORIC programme helps students communicate their skills and abilities to prospective employers.

Pupils including the sixth form, receive a comprehensive careers programme. This helps pupils prepare well for their next steps.

July 2023


Your future awaits

Our vision is to be a learning environment in which all students and staff strive for excellence in all that they do.
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