The Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) provides our school with an annual funding allocation for discretionary bursary awards, which we distribute to 6th Form students in accordance with our policy and the ESFA’s funding guidelines.
Bursary awards are used to provide students with specific financial support to enable them to remain in education. They are intended to help students with the essential costs of participating in their study programme, which could include financial assistance for:-
Essential books;
Essential equipment;
Unavoidable home to school transport;
Field trips;
Other course-related costs etc.
The ESFA requires us to assess the actual financial needs of individual students when making bursary awards. Therefore, students will need to specify clearly within their applications how much funding they consider they require and how it would be spent. We are no longer able to provide certain groups of students with a fixed-rate bursary award, as each award must be awarded on its own merits.
Students must meet the age and residency criteria, as set out in the policy document below, to be eligible for help from the bursary fund for the 2024/25 academic year. Please collect a bursary application form from the Sixth Form Administrators office.