Assessment Information

Supporting your learning

Throughout the year we hold assessment fortnights. During these fortnight sessions, students will complete structured summative assessments in each of their subjects within their timetabled lessons. This will enable us to assess their attainment and progress in their A Levels, and identify each student’s strengths and any gaps in their knowledge so that targeted support can be put in place.

To support students with their preparations for this assessment fortnight we will provide students and parents/carers with a timetable for when each assessment will take place, as well as a supporting leaflet outlining what subject specific content will be assessed. This also includes where students can access resources for their revision.

Following on from the assessment fortnight, we will provide students and parents/carers with an Academic Progress Summary Report and hold a Consultation Evening. This will enable purposeful conversations between students and parents/carers with subject teachers regarding students’ learning and progress across the curriculum.

As part of the preparation for formal examinations we also hold pre-public examinations (PPEs) to allow students to get used to being in the exam halls. These PPE exams give us more data to allow us to support the progress of our students.

Useful Information

At the end of year 12 and during year 13 students have formal pre-public examinations in our exam spaces. These PPEs prepare students for the experience of sitting their real exams. These PPEs help teachers gauge the targeted support students may still need in lessons. This information is discussed with students and parents at our consultation evenings. Students are given their PPE timetables and a booklet of information outlining where they can access important resources for the revision. The timetables and supporting information will also be emailed home and can be found on the Latest News section of our website.

What is a target grade?

A target grade is an aspirational but realistic level of attainment each student should be aiming to achieve

Target grades are intended to provide students, parents and teachers with means of measuring progress over time

How do we decide what your target grade should be?
Like other schools in England, we use the targets generated from a system called ALIS. This helps us to gauge the progress that students should be making based on their prior attainment.

The result students attain a key stage four are used to generate a chances graph for each student based on the subject they opt for. We use these to set minimum target grades for our students.

Each subject has their own ALIS chance graph and therefore they may have a different target grade for each of their subjects.

ALIS does not produce targets for some of the vocational courses. We use professional judgement, the students’ prior attainment at KS4 and the target grades provided by ALIS for their other subjects, to set appropriate target grades for these courses.

Target grades are used as a basis for discussing each student’s progress throughout the year.

If a students progress is not deemed to be in-line with their target grade we will offer structured and timely interventions to support them to achieve as highly as they can.

Students will meet weekly with their Progress Mentor to monitor progress.

Subject teachers will offer 1:1 support, using key data to identify the area of their studies that intervention is needed.

Consultation evenings give parents/carers, students and their teachers the opportunity to discuss the impact of the interventions.

The Sixth Form team will work with subject teachers to let parents/carers know about the support and intervention received by their child as it happens over the year.

The way the Sixth Form is structured has given me the space to work when I want and do work that would originally be saved for home in year 11.

Gemma, Year 12

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