
Supporting our students and parents with the transition to high school

The transition from primary to secondary education is a very exciting time, but can be a bit challenging too. At Helsby High School we aim to make the transition is as smooth as possible.

Once you have been offered, and accepted, a place at Helsby High School in March of the year following your application, you will receive a series of welcome packs with lots of useful information to prepare your child for their start to high school.

Your child will meet our Transition Lead from the comfort of their Primary School classroom and will be visited by some of our Year 7 students who will be able to talk about the move to high school and answer any questions. The Year 7 students are usually alumni of that particular primary school and may well be a familiar face from
the playground a year earlier.

Our much anticipated Transition Evenings take place in July, when parents and students come into school to familiarise themselves with staff who will support them during their time at Helsby High School: their Progress and Pastoral Leader; Student Support Co-ordinator and Form Tutor, along with Form Group peers.

They will also have the opportunity to become familiar with some of the routines of the school like the all-important ‘smart card’ and how to put money on for lunch! Our Transition days follow later that week when your child will spend time getting to know their Form Tutor and the other members of their form. They will also attend some ‘taster’ lessons to get a better idea of what it is like in the high school classroom.

Other transition events follow as your child moves through the school; for example the Y7 Information Evening and Options Evening.
Some young people join Helsby High School part way through an academic year through the in-year transfer process. Applications again come via the admissions pages of the Cheshire West and Chester website. In these circumstances, a bespoke transition process is planned by the relevant members of the Pastoral Team.

For any queries about transition please contact us via

Key information

There are many differences between primary and secondary school, and it is a good idea to find out as much information about the normal school day before they start, such as:

  • When does the school day begin and end?
  • If they are getting the bus to and from school, where does it pick them up?
  • How can I contact the school?
  • Who should I contact if I have any concerns or questions?
  • Where should they go on their first day?

Make sure your child is prepared before they start in September, including:

  • the correct uniform
  • all their equipment (pens, pencils, ruler, calculator)?
  • their PE kit?
  • arrangements for lunch (school dinners/ packed lunch)?

Parents and carers can ask important questions such as these at our Year 6 Induction days. This information will also be in our Transition Packs which are given out towards the end of Year 6.

If you are feeling nervous about secondary school, you are not alone. All of your friends and the other students will be thinking about the same things as you. For example, you might has thought about the following:

• Homework
• Bullying
• Friendships
• The size of the school

Our Year 7 Buddies will be visiting your Primary School soon. You can ask them lots of questions. Our transition lead will be visiting your primary school soon. You can ask them lots of questions. If, once you have started, these worries are still with you, you can speak to your form teacher or any member of staff. You might like to come to our student support centre or our hub where there will always be a member of staff to help you.


You will get homework as soon as you start in Year 7. You will be given access to a mobile phone app called ShowMyHomework which will list all your homework as well as the date it is due in. If you are ever unsure as to what you should be doing for homework, the obvious person to ask is your subject teacher. Don’t be scared. They would rather you asked for help than struggled to complete it. If you really are having problems doing the work, get your parents to write a note to show to your teacher. Think about forming a small homework club with your friends, and doing it together.


When you were at primary school the teachers encouraged you to let them know if you were unhappy with the way you were being treated by another student. It is the same at Helsby High School, we DO NOT TOLERATE BULLYING. Always speak to your Form Tutor or a teacher you feel you can talk to. If you can’t speak to anyone at school, speak to your parents. They can always let us know.

If you are unable to follow any of this advice, please log your worries on our SHARP system. This is a confidential way to let our someone at school know about the things that are concerning you. The green button for the SHARP system can be found at the bottom of every page on our website.


When you move to Helsby High School you will find that you may be in a different Tutor Group to the friends you had at primary school. Some students when they start are scared that they will find it hard to make friends. Don’t worry. Your Form Tutor will encourage you to make friends through activities that you will do in Tutor Time. In no time at all, you will find that as well as having your friends from primary school, you have also made a lot of new friends. Try to smile at everyone you meet. This is a good way to meet new people as they will think you are the sort of person that they would like to hang around with. We have lots of different clubs at Helsby High School. Make sure you join at least one; it’s a great way to widen your circle of friends.

The Size of the School

Helsby High School is going to be a lot bigger than your Primary School. In order to help you get around, you will have a tour on your Induction Days in July and another tour on your first day of school. You will also be provided with a map of the school in your handbook. If you get lost, ask an adult or a student where to go. They will take you to where you should be.

I joined Helsby from a primary school that was out of the catchment area no one else from my old school came with me to Helsby. Helsby made me feel instantly at home. I even had a special day in school just for me and the other students who were coming from out of the catchment area.

Ruby, Year 7

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