This is an inclusive school and there are high expectations for the achievement of SEND students. The school has a regard for the Code of Practice 2015 in that:
- It sees that all students are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress.
- All students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
- Teachers are expected to set high expectations for every student, whatever their prior attainment
- Teachers are expected to use appropriate assessments to set targets which are deliberately ambitious. Potential areas of difficulty are identified and addressed at the outset.
- Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the students in their class, including where students access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.
- The school regards high quality teaching, differentiated for individual students, as the first step in responding to students who have or may have SEND.
- The school regularly and carefully reviews the quality of teaching for all students, including those at risk of underachievement.
Our ethos is that all students should receive an appropriate education; one that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential. A pupil should be included, not just integrated in their learning.
This should enable them to:
- achieve their best
- become confident individuals living fulfilling lives, and
- make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training
The quality of teaching for students with SEND, and the progress made by students, is a core part of the school’s performance management arrangements and its approach to professional development for all teaching and support staff. There are whole-staff SEN briefings, where advice and strategies are shared.
We adapt the curriculum for pupils with SEND in the following ways:
The most crucial element to adapting a pupil’s timetable is by listening to the needs, worries and aspirations of the pupil themselves. Sometimes this is direct, and sometimes it is through meetings with their parents. Whilst we encourage all pupils to complete a full suite of GCSE courses (and A Level courses), we appreciate that there are exceptions to rules. We do in some situations offer the following:
- Reduction of timetable
- Flexibility of the school day timings
- Relocation of lesson delivery
- TA support (1:1 or small group)
- Targeted 1:1 or small group intervention in Social Skills, Literacy/ Numeracy
We enable pupils with SEND to engage in the activities of the school, together with children who do not have SEND, in the following ways:
All pupils have a right to enjoy the broad school life at Helsby. In PE, pupils have the opportunity to shine, as there are so many sports on offer. For pupils whose disability means that they cannot participate in the transitional sports such as football and basketball, netball and hockey, a bespoke programme is created.
All SEND pupils have the same access to school visits and the SENDCo ensures that full risk assessments are written which enable to pupil with SEND to participate safely.
All pupils with disabilities are timetabled with their class into classrooms which meet their needs. This may include, for example, a downstairs laboratory, a food bench with wheelchair access or a DT room with a low-level work bench.
The following emotional, mental and social support is available for pupils with SEND:
There is a Students Support Coordinator (SSCs) for each year group in school. These are non-teaching members of staff who are available throughout the school day to help pupils with any problems and worries they may have. This is sometimes a resource that is used as a one-off or it can be a resource that pupils use on a regular basis.
We have counselling provision accessible, via referral from the SSCs, in school available to all year groups.
The school has an allocated Start-Well nurse who visits on a regular basis and appointments are available by request of the school.