Our history and heritage

A history built on strong values and success

In 1938 building operations were commenced for the relocation of the Grammar School for boys and girls to the current Helsby High school site.

The school was originally designed for girls and boys to be taught separately in the boys Grammar School and the girls Grammar School. There were duplicate specialist teachers, administrators and Headmaster at the boys’ school and a Headmistress at the girls’ school. A cinder path divided the exterior and a wall divided the interior school and rules were in place to ensure that each group stayed strictly within their boundaries.

Over the years the school became a mixed comprehensive and the building was added to and developed to meet the needs of all our students. We are proud to retain our original buildings, our philosophy is to ensure the additions to our existing buildings can be seen clearly. This mix of new and old architecture helps to tell the story of our developing school. Our school has changed considerably over time but our history can still be seen, this helps us remember those who have taught and learnt before us and reminds us to feel proud of our heritage.

History timeline

Follow our timeline and see how our school and buildings have developed over time.


‘Building operations were commenced’ for the relocation of the Grammar School for boys and girls to the current site but was suspended as war broke out the following year.


The boys school was completed but the girls school was sealed off due to the war.


The building was requisitioned for war purposes and became a hostel.


The Ministry of Education derequisitioned the building and the girls school was completed.


Boys and girls transferred from the Runcorn school and although it was a mixed school for a year, it returned to single sex schools in 1950. The school field divided the boys and girls with a single cinder line.


Comprehensive education brought about the removal of the dividing cinder path allowing staff and students to work in a co-educational setting.


Overtime additional buildings were added including computer suites, the gym and the Sixth Form block.


The Frodsham school closed and students transferred to Helsby High and the current building was extended again to include additional science and ICT rooms, widened corridors and the breakout space.


The Sixth Form e-café was developed for Year 12 and Year 13 students.


The 3G all-weather football pitch was completed in partnership with the football foundation, Cheshire West and Cheshire council, Frodsham JFC and the High School itself.

Your future awaits

Our vision is to be a learning environment in which all students and staff strive for excellence in all that they do.
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