Head Teacher’s Welcome

Welcome to Helsby High School.

Since 1949 the school has been very proud to serve Frodsham, Helsby and the surrounding area, offering an ambitious curriculum in a well-resourced, calm and orderly environment, enabling students to thrive in their learning and flourish as young people.

Based on our two key aims, our vision is to be a learning environment in which all students and staff strive for excellence in all that they do, ‘Achieving Success’ and ‘Valuing Others’ to enable them to make positive contributions to society, and to become confident global citizens.

We are a community school in much more than just name, we have exceptional relationships with our partner primary schools and our students make outstanding contributions to their local community. We have a large and thriving Sixth Form and students in all year groups make very strong academic progress, consistently achieving excellent external examination results. Our students also make use of exceptional facilities outside of lessons, including our new state-of-the-art 3G Football Pitch, with an extensive enrichment programme providing opportunities for them to develop and prepare themselves for their future lives beyond the school.

Thank you for your interest in the school. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like to know even more about us than can be found on our website and, if you are a prospective student, parent or member of staff, then we very much hope that ‘Your Future Starts Here’.

Martin Hill – Head Teacher

Helsby High School is a welcoming school. Pupils value the friendships that they forge with their classmates. Pupils feel happy and enjoy their learning.

July 2023

Your future awaits

Our vision is to be a learning environment in which all students and staff strive for excellence in all that they do.
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