Parent and Student Voice

Feedback is important to us

Feedback helps us to make important improvements to the day to day running of our Sixth Form. It also helps us plan for the long term change that will benefit our students and aid their preparation for future careers. We ask our students for their feedback in each of their subjects three times a year, this allows departments to improve their curriculums, their teaching methods and their enrichment provision. Our Sixth Form Head students meet with the Headteacher and the Director of Sixth Form regularly and they are able to share the views of their peers at these meetings. Sixth Form students will also be able to leave their feedback at key Sixth Form Student Voice ‘clinics’ at various points throughout the year. The whole of the Sixth Form is built on promoting resilient and articulate young people who can navigate the world around them successfully. Ensuing Student Voice is able to bring about change, is an important part of realising this vision.

Feedback from our parents and carers helps us improve the way we communicate important information and ensures we offer the information that is needed. We ask for Parent/Carer Feedback in a variety of ways. Sometimes we may ask for feedback at one of our consultation evenings, or ask for parents/carers to fill out a short questionnaire after an information evening. On occasions we may need to find out more about the impact a pending decision will have on our parents and families. In this instance we may send home a link to a questionnaire via email. Parents/carers can also contact the Sixth Form team directly if they wish to offer some feedback that they feel is important for us to hear.

All feedback helps to shape our Sixth Form and our communication with home. It allows us to ensure information evenings provide the content needed and it allows us to evaluate our curriculum provision and planning. We are very appreciative of the time our students and our parents/carers take to give us this feedback.

Please see some feedback from put parent/carers and students below.

After our Sixth Form Pastoral evening, 98% of parents and carers agreed or strongly agreed that ‘they felt better informed about their son/daughter’s A-Level predicted grades

After our Sixth Form Pastoral evening, 100% of parents and carers agreed or strongly agreed that ‘the pastoral evening is a positive and useful event and they felt better informed about how their son/daughter had settled into Y12’.

After our Year 13 consultation evenings 100% of parents and carers surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that ‘they felt well informed about the progress of their son or daughter’, one parent added:
“The informative discussions have really helped. Thank you so much, the support and guidance is superb.”

97% of the Year 13 parents/carers surveyed, agreed or strongly agreed that ‘Sixth Form Helsby ensures their son or daughter is well prepared for entering further or higher education, apprenticeships or employment’.

I chose to go to Sixth Form at Helsby because I felt at home. Teachers have always been supportive and attentive and this is something that has carried over into the Sixth Form.


I enjoy the smaller class sizes at Sixth Form Helsby, my teachers are supportive and I liked the fact that I knew the staff that would be teaching me.


I wanted the chance to influence how my Sixth Form is run and I was pleased when the opportunity to apply for Head Student and Student Ambassador was offered to me. The leadership opportunities are at Sixth Form Helsby are good.


I feel like I work better when the teachers teachers spend time getting to know me better. Sixth Form Helsby is not just about the results, they are always looking after our wellbeing too.


Your future awaits

Our vision is to be a learning environment in which all students and staff strive for excellence in all that they do.
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