Year 11 Information Evening – 3rd October 2024

The purpose of this Information Evening is two-fold. Firstly, we would like to introduce you to some key members of staff that will be working with and supporting our Year 11 students during the next academic year and beyond. We hope to provide you with the necessary information to support and guide both students and parents/carers as they prepare for their GCSE examinations in summer 2025 and the next stage of their education journey. The second purpose of this event is a parental workshop led by an external company called ‘Exams MADE easy’. On this date, students will take part in a two-hour workshop during the school day to develop their revision techniques and independent learning skills. The parental workshop that follows in the evening will provide an opportunity for this information to be shared with parents/carers so that you are equipped to support your son/daughter with their revision and exam preparations at home.
One of the first significant events in the students’ academic calendar is our upcoming Year 11 Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs or Mock exams), which will take place from Monday 21st October until Friday 8th November. During this PPE fortnight students will complete formal assessments in each of their subjects. This will enable us to assess their attainment and progress in their GCSEs and identify each student’s strengths and any gaps in their knowledge so that targeted support can be put in place. These PPEs will be coordinated in such a way as to reflect the GCSE experience to enable students develop their examination technique and their confidence, so that they are fully prepared for their GCSE examinations in the summer.
To support students with their preparations for these PPEs we will provide students and parents/carers with a timetable for when each assessment will take place, as well as a supporting leaflet outlining what subject specific content will be assessed, including where students can access resources for their revision. All of this information will be shared with students and parents/carers at the Information Evening.
During this event we hope to provide you with more detailed information regarding how you as parents/carers can support your child through this PPE assessment fortnight and beyond, as well as discuss useful revision and examination techniques. We will also provide you with some key dates for the academic year with regards to other assessments, reports, Parental Consultation Evenings and transition beyond Year 11. We aim to provide our students and their parents/carers with the tools and resources to guide them through this very important year and help them to prepare for the next stage in their academic journey.