The spring term is such an important time for all our Year 9 students. At this point in the year, we ask students to consider their future aspirations for education, training and employment, with the view of them working with us to shape their KS4 curriculum and qualifications. Before half term, we had our Y9 Consultation Evening to enable students and their parents/carers to discuss students’ academic progress with subject teachers. This information will hopefully support students over the next few weeks in making decisions regarding their KS4 curriculum.
Our KS4 Options Evening aims to provide an opportunity for us to share with students and parents/carers our curriculum ambition as well as the structure of our options process. Some students will have a clear idea as to what subjects they wish to study, whilst for others this can be quite a daunting task. This event provides an opportunity for students to ask questions and find support to assist them in making these important decisions regarding their future.
Please find the Year 9 Options Evening Recorded Presentation, and the Options Booklet below: